
Get paid early and invest it in working capital


Sellers are companies that will benefit from getting paid early to finance their operations with working capital.

Minting Receivable NFTs

Any seller or buyer is allowed to mint receivable NFTs, which represent the rights and obligations between buyers and sellers. It should contain the following information:

  • Owner: The owner of the receivable, which should be the seller when it is first minted

  • Buyer: The company who received the goods and has the obligation to pay

  • Seller: The company who sold the goods and has the right to be paid

  • Face Amount: The amount due for payment at the expiration date

  • Repayment Date: The expected date of repayment for the receivable

Supplier Onboarding

In order to become a valid supplier for reverse factoring, the supplier will have to send an application to the corresponding Pool Admin to get whitelisted. Note that a seller must be whitelisted before they can redeem funds.

Withdraw Funds

After invoices are approved for their suppliers, the suppliers will be able to withdraw the principal of the loans at any time by transferring the receivables NFT to the LoanManager.

Last updated