
Manages protocol-wide configurations

The community DAO is in charge of managing governance. It has the ability to perform maintenance functions and parameter adjustments to the protocol via decentralized voting, including:

  • Deploying and upgrading pools

  • Changing protocol configurations and parameters

  • Pausing protocol activity in the event of an emergency

Anyone can participate in governance by making proposals, discussing them, and participating in Snapshot votes.


Governance Forum

This is a place where community members can make and discuss proposals.

Governance Council

The governance council of Isle has been set up to execute on-chain transactions on behalf of the results of community votes. The Isle Council is a 3-of-5 multisig with 5 members representing all stakeholders participating in the protocol.

Members of the governance council will be released after the protocol launches officially.

Governance Parameters

These are the list of parameters that will be managed and set by the governor

Pool Configuration

  • maxCoverLiquidation: the maximum liquidation of the pool admin's cover in the event of a default (e.g. 10% means the protocol liquidate at most 10% of the pool cover at the event of a default)

  • minCover: the minimum pool cover size required for the pool

  • poolLimit: The maximum size of the pool

Global Configuration

  • isReceivableAsset: a whitelist of valid receivable assets

  • isPoolAsset: a whitelist of valid pool assets

  • isPoolAdmin: a whitelist of valid pool admins

  • isleVault: address of the Isle vault

  • protocolFee: the global fee as a percentage of interest earned

  • Emergency pausing

    • contractPaused: whether the contract is paused

    • isFunctionPaused: whether the function of a contract is paused

Last updated